Guidance for Retiring Delve in Your Organization for Admins Delve has retired as of December 18, 2024. Learn how to manage profile properties, find alternatives, and guide users post-Delve. Get started now!
How to Edit Your Microsoft 365 Profile Now That Delve Is Gone Learn how to update your Microsoft 365 profile without Delve. Discover tips, steps, and the best Delve alternative, OneDirectory, here.
Employee Directory Templates Learn what employee directory templates are, why they matter, and access free Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, and Church templates for an organized and efficient workforce.
Organizational Management: Definition, Principles, and Importance Discover Organizational Management's definition, principles, and importance, including core areas like change management, behavior management, and information management.
Introducing the New OneDirectory News Center! Stay informed with the new OneDirectory News Center. We've moved our product updates from our blog to a dedicated platform.
B&D Industrial Enhances Employee Connections with OneDirectory Discover how B&D Industrial enhanced communication and efficiency with OneDirectory, a user-friendly and modern employee directory solution.
Why Celebrating an Employee’s Workaversary is a Game-Changer Celebrate employee workaversaries to boost morale, strengthen retention, and foster engagement. Discover creative ways to make these milestones memorable!