The Importance of Skills Mapping in Your Company Uncover the hidden skills goldmine within your company through skills mapping. This article covers benefits, challenges, tips and why it's a must-do.
Making Sense of Different Org Chart Formats What's the best org chart format for your needs - static, interactive, live, or hardcopy? This post breaks down the pros and cons of different org chart styles to help you decide.
A Complete Guide to Employee Spotlights (+ Example Questions) Here's our guide to employee spotlights - what they are, why they matter, and how to create spotlights that motivate your superstars.
The Main Types of Organizational Charts A comprehensive guide to the types of org charts used by companies and organizations. We cover hierarchical, matrix, flat, and circular structures and when each format works best.
The Connection Between Organizational Design, Org Structure, and Org Charts Understand the vital connection between design, structure and org charts. This guide covers how strategic organizational designs get translated into aligned workplaces through structures which map hierarchies, collaboration, and decision-making.
The Strategic Uses for Org Charts Discover how an org chart can drive strategic planning, ensure compliance, and prepare for future scenarios.
The Limitations of Organizational Charts Over-reliance on org charts can negatively impact communication, productivity, and flexibility. This article explores the limitations of org charts, including how they lack informal relationships, get outdated quickly, and are not flexible.